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The Humour Section.
Stan loves a laugh, so his little helpers have been busy collecting education related funnies for him to chuckle over. We hope these clippings help bring cheer to a few Stantonbury Staff in times of need!
If you want to cheer up a colleague then email them one of the funnies. Here's how. When you're on the page you want to send them click "File" then "Send" and you can automatically email them either the page or a link to it.
Warning: some people have no sense of humour and may find some of the material on these pages offensive. If you think you might fall into this category please click here.
Please contribute your own funnies by sending them here.
(A big thank you, to the two members of staff in Saxon who helped with the contribution of material for these pages)
NEW! Milton Keynes Jokes. Self explanatory.
The Unofficial Stantonbury Campus Grammar Guidelines. Introduced to ensure uniformity cross-campus.
Science Exam Answers. It's okay they're not by our students J+L!
Tests in the North and South. Which test would you set for Stantonbury students?
The Official MUFC Maths Workbook. A token gesture for the football fans among you.
Guide To Modern English Slang. Ever thought your male students were speaking a foreign language.
Why Men Are Proud of Themselves. Just about sums men up really.
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Copyright: Stan's Stuff. The Unofficial Stantonbury Staff Website 2002