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The Disclaimer!
Stan and his helpers are well aware that some people won't approve of this site. Fair enough everyone's entitled to their opinion, we suggest that such people go somewhere else.
This site is humourous. Do not take the content too seriously. If you have no sense of humour then you'd better go away and get one!
The site is based on material received from you. If any material on the site breaches copyright please mail us.
We wish the information on this site to be accurate and up to date. However some of the information on the site has been provided through anonymous email contact and it is therefore impossible to guarantee it's validity. If you have any reason to suspect that information on this site is misleading in anyway then please send evidence of this here.
Stan's team of little helpers were all (except one) staff at Stantonbury Campus. Recently the whole of the site has been passed over to a non-Stantonbury helper. This was nothing to do with the alleged resemblance between the campus management and the government of Zimbabwe. However the original team of Stan's helpers are still reading the site and therefore should be able to check stuff out fairly easily. If you want to sign up for a free anonymous email account to contribute to this site click here.
If you have any comments about this site, contributions, complaints or compliments, we would love to hear them.
Home. Humour. Discuss. Disclaimer. News.
Copyright: Stan's Stuff. The Unofficial Stantonbury Staff Website 2002